PhD candidate in Economics

Francisco Amaral

Welcome! I’m a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Bonn, affiliated with Bonn’s MacroFinance Lab, a member of ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy, a Cluster of Excellence under Germany’s Excellence Strategy and a research fellow at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

I will be joining the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich in September as an Assistant Professor.

My research lies at the intersection of financial and urban economics, with a particular emphasis on the market microstructure of housing markets and its influence on the spatial distribution of housing prices and returns.

‘Location, location, location’ is not by chance the hallmark of real estate agents; location plays a crucial role in housing markets. Consequently, a significant portion of my research is devoted to comprehending the patterns and factors influencing the spatial distribution of transaction prices and returns in housing markets.

More recently, my research has focused on the role of liquidity in housing markets. In my job market paper, I explore the impact of price uncertainty on trading decisions, prices, and returns in housing markets.

I am a co-founder of the German Real Estate Index (Greix), a project dedicated to enhancing transparency in the German housing market. We provide a range of high-quality real estate indicators, tracking the evolution of housing markets in various German cities, all free of charge. For more information, please visit